Let's take a moment to recognize another aspect of love: the love we express when we work.
Gifts from the Heart
No matter what form your work takes, when you show up and contribute energy, smarts, and time, you are sharing your uniqueness.
You may think of your value in terms of the tasks you perform. Yes, that contribution is important.
How you do those tasks and interact with people is at least as important. You have a direct effect on the well-being of those around you. Perhaps you wouldn't say you love every one of those people. Just the same, they feel your presence -- and your love.
Even better, what is good for you, i.e., whatever nurtures your soul, gives you joy, makes your day, is also good for the people around you.
Doing Work You Love
A real luxury in life is getting to do work that you love. Those moments of being fully absorbed, creating results, helping people, learning, succeeding, and being recognized, are sources of motivation.
If this is a frequent experience for you, congratulations.
If you don't have much of that, guess what? It is up to you to get creative in your career. Whether by enhancing what you are doing now, or following your heart to make a change, or finding a way to do what you love outside of work, you have to express your gift.
An Underrated Resource
For some bizarre reason, work cultures often undermine or discount the gifts of the heart.
HR manager and author Tony DeBlauwe has identified a condition he calls EAD, or Employee Adaptive Displacement, which names the hidden demoralization of many people at work. You can read his recent blog post and download the full paper for more of Tony's insight.
These workers' hearts are not engaged. Not only are they unhappy, they are not performing at their potential.
Engaging the heart has many benefits. The Institute of Heartmath offers statistics proving that the heart has many times more electrical current than the brain.
They and others also show that appreciation and gratitude reduce stress and increase health at work. There are lots of reasons for your left brain to buy into the love thing. Today, use the excuse that it is Valentine's Day!
Why not add a few ounces of appreciation for yourself and others today?
Start by recognizing the commitment it takes for you to do your work, to offer your skills, and to help the team.
Give yourself some appreciation for that!
Look around, either in person or in your mind, at the people in your work life. Is it not some form of love that they express each day?
It may seem strange to think of our presence and our contributions as love. Try putting on that filter and experience the giving and receiving of love that constitutes work. Open your heart to the possibilities.
Share the love this Valentine's Day. Namaste.
(You can read the Messenger, including Why Influence? at http://emailbrain.com/new/viewnewsletter2.aspx?SiteID=9958&SID=1&NewsletterID=1065542)
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